SCHED conference schedule
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- EVENT: The Speaker (the “Speaker”) will attend and present a session lecture at South Western Alberta Teachers’ Convention Association (SWATCA) on behalf of the Alberta Teachers’ Association (ATA) in Lethbridge, Alberta on the convention date listed on the SWATCA website ( (the “Event”)
- LOCATION INFORMATION: Within a reasonable time prior to the Event, the Association will inform the Speaker of the specific location and time that the Speaker will be presenting his or her session(s). Sessions are held at the University of Lethbridge.
- HONORARIUM: The standard honorarium offered will be listed on the SWATCA website.
- GST : Goods and Services Tax (GST) charged by a Speaker who is being paid for attending the Event will be honoured only if the Speaker provides a business registration number to the Association and has billed for the amount of the GST. This number needs to be stated on the SWATCA Convention Expense Claim provided or on an invoice provided by the speaker or agency.
Out of town speakers will be asked to reserve their own hotel in Lethbridge. SWATCA will reimburse at the ATA rate per evening. Additional accommodation will be at the expense of the speaker unless pre-arranged by SWATCA. Incidentals charged to the room will not be reimbursed (i.e., liquor, movie rentals, room service, etc.)
Further information regarding accommodations, if required, will be included in a speaker confirmation package. Any costs of accommodation beyond those of the Speaker specifically are the responsibility and at the sole expense of the Speaker, unless otherwise arranged in writing with the Association.
Travel & Subsistence
The association will provide a noon luncheon for all speakers on the day/days the speaker is presenting multiple sessions. Speakers will be reimbursed for all travel, parking and subsistence as per guidelines below. No other expenses incurred by the speaker will be covered by the Association.
To submit speaker expense claims, please complete the following form and bring to the SWATCA office the day of convention.
PLEASE NOTE: The Speaker is responsible for making all travel arrangements.
Travel & Subsistence Allowance* These rates are updated as needed | |
Banff | $300 |
Calgary | $210 |
Edmonton | $450 |
Fort McMurray | $810 |
Grande Prairie | $800 |
Medicine Hat | $150 |
Red Deer | $350 |
Toronto | $975 |
Vancouver | $775 |
Victoria | $770 |
Winnipeg | $725 |
Vicinity of Lethbridge |
Actual km. @ $0.58 |
Allowances for any locales not listed will be based on nearest large city.
Honorarium Offered:
SWATCA will provide honorariums up to the amounts listed for each session unless otherwise agreed upon:
1 hour – standard session $250
2.5 hours – double session $500
Other Times – Please contact [email protected]
Photocopying and Material Allowance
The SWATCA Board will do photocopying for you if submitted by January 15th, but you will not be reimbursed if you do the copying yourself. We will upload handouts not essential to your actual presentation to our website for delegates to download. Please send in doc, rtf, pdf or PowerPoint format to the webmaster at [email protected] .
Handouts will be posted as soon as received and will be posted until the week before convention. After that we cannot guarantee that your handouts will be posted. The uploaded handouts are not restricted by number of pages or file size.
Handouts which are essential to your presentation will be photocopied and should be sent to and should indicate how many copies you will require. You are limited to 5 double sided sheets per essential handout. A copy of the file must be forwarded by January 15th. You may use both online handouts and photocopied handouts.
Release Time for Speakers
Only one day of release time per day(s) on which the speaker is presenting is offered. Should a contract be offered, the speaker will be required to provide additional contact information in order to ask the appropriate people permission for the speaker to be released. It is the sole responsibility of the speaker to provide the appropriate contact information to SWATCA. The deadline for providing the information is October 31st and should be forwarded to the program chair at [email protected]
Participant Fees
It is the sole responsibility of the speaker to establish the participant fee if required (eg. cost of supplies like paints, etc. the delegates will use during the session), include the participant fee in the session description and to collect all fees. SWATCA will not be responsible for reimbursement of any non-collected fees.
Should a contract be offered, the speaker must provide either (a) a SIN or (b) an invoice from a company. This information will be used as required by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) to report income.
Conflict of Interest
The Speaker must refrain from selling any materials or products or otherwise engaging in any promotional activity within the context of the lectures or sessions at which he or she is presenting. If a speaker chooses, he or she may contact their publisher to request that a booth be available for promotion of their books and materials. Booths can be booked by completing the displayers application form here. The speaker may also choose to sell books or other products through the onsite bookstore (University of Lethbridge Bookstore). To contact the bookstore please call (403) 329-2611.
- The Speaker may cancel his or her appearance at the Event without penalty, provided that:
- the Association receives written notice of such cancellation by no later than 90 days prior to the Speaker’s first scheduled speaking engagement at the Event; or
- in the event that the Speaker’s cancellation is by reason of illness or bereavement, the Association receives from the Speaker:
- written notice of such cancellation prior to the Speaker’s first scheduled speaking engagement at the Event; and
- satisfactory confirmation, within 2 weeks of the conclusion of the Event, that an illness or bereavement in fact existed which necessitated the Speaker’s cancellation of his or her appearance at the Event.
2. If the Speaker cancels his or her appearance at the Event, but fails to do so in accordance with Clause 9(a) above:
- the Speaker will be responsible for the cost incurred by the Association to rent the room in which the Speaker was scheduled to speak, provided that the Association, upon having made reasonable efforts, is unable to arrange for an appropriate replacement speaker; and
- the Speaker will be responsible for all pre-arranged travel and/or accommodation costs (including any additional penalty costs), provided that the Association is unable, through reasonable efforts, to arrange for a replacement speaker to travel and stay in the Speaker’s place or otherwise avoid those costs being incurred.
3. The Association shall communicate to the Speaker in writing by no later than two months after the conclusion of the Event all costs that the Speaker becomes responsible for as a result of his or her cancellation of their appearance at the Event.
4. Except as otherwise provided in this agreement, the Association will not be responsible for special, incidental, or consequential damages in any circumstances, including circumstances arising from the Association’s cancellation of the Event or the Speaker’s session(s) for any reason or at any time whatsoever.
5. If the Association cancels the Event or the Speaker’s session(s), the Association will be responsible for the pre-arranged travel and/or accommodation costs (including any additional penalty costs) of the Speaker that are associated with the Speaker’s intended engagement at the Event, provided that neither of the parties is able, through reasonable efforts, to arrange for those costs to be avoided.
6. If the Association cancels the Event or the Speaker’s session(s), the Association will not be responsible for payment of any honorarium or appearance fee that the Speaker would have received pursuant to this contract had the Event or session(s) not been cancelled.
7. If the Association cancels the Event or the Speaker’s session(s), the Association may, at its discretion, compensate the Speaker for all or part of the costs that the Speaker incurred in preparation for the Event or otherwise. Such compensation by the Association will not be construed to be a waiver of the Association’s rights under clause 9(f) of this agreement or otherwise stop them from relying on those rights.
8. Any monies payable between the parties, either for honorarium, reimbursement of expenses or otherwise, must be paid in full by no later than two months after the amount owing has been properly communicated to the other party pursuant to the terms of this agreement, and will not be paid before the Event.
Personal Information
The Alberta Teachers’ Association requires the information contained on this form in order to conduct the professional and business affairs of its membership and will collect, use and disclose the personal information about you accordingly. For inquiries, objections or concerns about how the Personal Information Protection Act applies to your personal information, please refer to our privacy policy on the Alberta Teachers’ Association website.
We have reached our capacity for speaker applications for SWATCA 2025 – thank you so much for all your expressions of interest!
Interested in being a speaker at SWATCA 2025? We would love to hear from you! Please complete the following form through Pheedloop. You will be redirected to a new page, and your application processes through there. Please note that a SWTCA representative will connect with you if your application is approved and accepted. Thank you!