SWATCA 2025 Convention

February 20-21, 2025

Exhibitor Information

For many years, the Alberta Teachers’ Association has offered an exhibits area as part of annual teachers’ conventions and we have greatly appreciated the role our exhibitors have played in the convention experiences of our teachers.


From 2017–2019, an extensive review of teachers’ conventions was undertaken. From that review, many recommendations emerged, including one that convention programs and exhibits be aligned with the Alberta curriculum, with the Alberta Teaching Quality Standard, and with the priorities of the ATA. In April 2020, the Association Administrative Guidelines regarding convention exhibits were updated. As an element of convention programs and reflection of the teaching profession, convention boards must ensure that health and wellness vendors are only provided with exhibit space if their products are supported by ASEBP (or the benefits provider in that region if not ASEBP).


We invite valued, longtime exhibitors, who fulfill the new ATA requirements, to fill in the application form.

If you have questions or require further clarification regarding the guidelines, please contact Vern Tellefson at [email protected].  Thank you again for your prior participation in our teachers’ conventions.

Exhibitor Guidelines

Exhibit spaces are approximately 10 feet long by 6 feet wide and include one 3 foot by 8 foot table, and two chairs. Tent canopies and display racks are not allowed unless you have prior permission from the displays chair.


Prime tables are in the most desirable area, so they are priced accordingly ($450 plus GST).


Commercial tables are for vendors selling products and services to our teachers ($200 plus GST).


Registered Not for Profit and Government Agency tables are for vendors providing information and charities ($100 plus GST).


Exhibitors also have the option of requesting a power outlet ($50), which gives you access to one (1) outlet.  You may have to share with a nearby table, so please bring an exstention cord and/or power bars.

Setup Time:
– Wednesday from 3:00 to 7:00
– Thursday from 7:45 to 8:25

Access to the Displays Area is allowed at 9:45 on Thursday and Friday due to keynote speakers
using the same area.

Vendor hours are at your discretion, but teachers are onsite Thursday until 5:00 and Friday until


  • Free wifi
  • Free parking
  • Free ads on SCHED
  • Free Helpers for Wednesday setup and Friday cleanup

If you have any questions, you can contact the Exhibitors Chair at [email protected].

Exhibitor Application

February 20th and 21st, 2025

Exhibit (Display) Request 2025
Teachers’ Convention

Exhibitor Application

Booth Details

Select the type of booth you would like. Use the drop-down to select how many tables you need.

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